
Address is Classified, by order of the boss.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hey Everyone.

My name is Elder Call, and I made this blog so that my friends and family could see how I am doing on my Mission. While you guys were having fun at college or whatever it is you were doing, I was working at a stone factory trying to raise enough money to go on a mission. I will be leaving to go to the MTC, or missionary training center, on Wednesday. There I will hopefully learn some Spanish, and maybe how to preach the gospel the right way. After like 8 weeks or something I will be going to San Fernando, California.
I will be serving the people of San Fernando for 2 years. Some of you might wonder what the whole point of being a missionary is. When I got called on a mission several months ago, I got a packet that helped explained my purpose. It said:
"Your Purpose as a Missionary is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end."
Basically it means that I will be encouraging the people of California to do good things. As many of you know, I am a Mormon, I have been my whole life. I think that this gospel has brought me great happiness, and I want to make other people happy. That is why I want to go on a mission. I think that I have found the key to happiness, and I want to share it with everyone.
Some people ask me if I have to go on a mission. They ask me if I've been coerced or something. Honestly, this is what I want. I want to give up two years of my time. I want to pay a large sum of money to do it. I want to work the 17 hour days that are required and follow the stringent rules that are associated with it.
Speaking of stringent rules, I won't be able to use a Facebook or really a computer for a long time, so if for whatever reason you guys really want to communicate with me, send me a snail mail. I will be moving around a lot, and I will have my address posted along with all my letters home on this blog.
Another thing all of you should do if you see a Mormon missionary, even if you don't want to hear what they have to say, give them some cookies or something. Of course, inviting them in and listening to them would be preferable. They aren't pushy. They would answer your questions. But failing that, cookies would be nice. Going on a mission is hard, and they need it. If you don't want to do that, send ME cookies. Please.
I think I'm gonna miss all of you guys. I know some of you just plain don't think very highly of me, and I'm sorry for whatever reason. But I'll miss those people even. But I feel very happy about going. How could I not? I'm in God's army now!
I would encourage all my Mormon buddies to help out the missionaries in any way you can. They need you. I would encourage my non Mormon buddies to at least talk to the missionaries. They are generally cool. Think of me when they are on your doorstep (I hope that would be a positive thing). For my young Mormon buddies, go on a mission. Do whatever it takes. It will be worth it, and God will provide I way for you. I know from experience. Everyone keep me in your prayers. If you want to talk to me or tell me something, do it in the next day and a half. God be with you all!

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