
Address is Classified, by order of the boss.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Really Cool Pday

Hey everyone,
I still feel really happy about what I'm doing. Not a whole lot happened this week, although the lord continues to bless us. For instance, we had this appointment set up, but it totally got shafted, and we were walking outside, thinking something along the lines of, "Dang, what now?" when this lady drives up in her van, and says, "Hey, I'm new to the area, and I'm moving in. Can you guys come visit me?" Which of course we said yes to. It was pretty cool.
Today was also a really cool Pday, we went for a hike. My district is pretty adventurous. It was so nice to get away from the constant noise. There is ALWAYS some kinda car speeding by and there are sirens a couple of times a day. For that it was really nice to go up to the mountains, and chill out. I realized that I have to run up and down those hills, because if I stop and think about what I'm doing too much, I'll get scared and fall. I kinda have to let my instincts take over. I don't know how good of a life metaphor that is.
Well, I suppose I should say something Easter related. My favorite song by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is "This is the Christ." It gets me every time. I want to tell you that I know that Christ lives, and he loves each and every one of us. I know this for two reasons. Number one: The historical evidence is undeniable. The Old Testament prophsies of Jesus something like 300 times. Every one of these prophsies were fulfilled to the letter. We have all of the testimonies of the apostles, who saw the living Christ with their own eyes. They were willing to die for their testimonies. Can you imagine dieing for a lie? After Jesus was resurrected, the Sanhedrin wanted to cover it up, and they said that the dsiciples went and stole the body out of the tomb while the 4 soldiers guarding the tomb slept. This is highly improbable, as sleeping while they were on guard duty carried the penalty of death. All four of them being asleep is laughable.
But, we never base our faith on historical facts or calculated arguments. I had an investigator who didn't believe in Jesus, he was agnostic, but still professed to know a lot about that kind of history. Reason #2: I have felt his hand in my life abundantly. I have used the atonement to heal my sins. I have felt his love for me. He has lifted me up when I have felt dejected. I have felt him change me and seen him change other people. He is my Lord, and I am his man forever. Would I base my life on a lie?
God lives. His kindom on the earth is known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Yeah, those two young punks who knock on your door every once in a while. If you listen to them, and apply the gospel in your life, you will have the most happiness in this life that is possible, and joy you can't imagine in the eternities. That's why I'm here in sunny California.
Well, I love you all. Have a good week!
Elder Joseph Call

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