
Address is Classified, by order of the boss.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fake Mustache, Man.

Hello people,
So in response to the letters I got from people this week, I have never worn a fake mustache (You know who you are. This same person, thank you so much for what you send me. It brings great happiness.), and I love you too grandma.
Not a whole lot happened this week, I got my travel plans, I'm gonna be flying out to San Fern (Don't get it confused with San Fran) on the 28th. Also, if you want to send me a package, the last day the mail room will accept them is the 23rd. To clarify, in the last entry I said that I did 300 pushups over the course of 2 days. So it was like 150 or so a day. But I do much less now. Maybe I'm getting into a Spanish speaking groove. Let me say though, it sucks. I mean, I know it is very beneficial for me, but it still sucks.
They also got a new weight room over here. Jordan Kennedy, rowing is hard. I have a new appreciation for what you do. I now do it often because it reminds me of wrestling workouts (but not as hard :))
These past 2 weeks or so have been tough for me. Yeah, I know I have only been out for 8 weeks, and I can extrapolate and figure out that it's gonna get much harder. But you know what, I enjoy it anyway. Also, I think that I have also grown the most over this hard time. I guess that's life. When faced with a hard time, you can either fall into a pit or spring up, right?
I am very excited to get into the field. I know now why my brother calls the MTC "the joint". I feel kinda like a caged animal in here. I think the other elders can feel the same way, it can get kinda interesting sometimes. But hey, on the bright side I don't have to cook any of my own food and I get to hear general authorities speak once or twice a week and I am growing spiritually a lot. Actually, I shutter to think about what kinda teacher I would be without the MTC. I mean, I'm still not all that good, but I am much better.
Well, I love you all. Sorry if this was a little scatterbrained.
Elder Joseph Call.

Editors Note: Fall into a pit? That's a little dark. *chuckle*

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