
Address is Classified, by order of the boss.

Friday, December 9, 2011

World Record

Hey Everybody!
A lot of stuff happened this past week. I heard from a lot of you, which makes me happy. First of all, I've had a lot of time to think lately, because I've kind of started this "incentive program" where if I speak a sentence in English to a Spanish speaker, I have to do 5 pushups. The first two days I think I did something like 300, but today is the 4th and I've only done like 30-40 today. I think this may be defeating the purpose, but now I just don't talk much to anybody, and thus I've had a lot of time to think. On the bright side, my Spanish is greatly improved over the course of just a few days, and so has my ability to do pushups. I think I might have to increase the number to 10 soon.
Also I met a guy who holds the world record for one of the craziest things ever. He had to drink a cup of eggnog, run 400 meters in less than 90 seconds, and repeat until he threw up. He did it 16 and 1/2 times and thus holds the world record. That's right, he drank a gallon of eggnog and ran 4 miles. The guy is a beast, I think his name is Elder Adams.
Also, a nice gift the lord has given me here on my mission is that I never seem to go to bed frustrated. During the day at times I feel like I'm swimming upstream, and I get frustrated, but come bed time I always pray and the feeling of "Hey, it's alright, calm down." comes over me. I enjoy it greatly.
My companion left for Peru a couple of days ago, but do to a housing situation, I got another one, so I'm still in a threesome companionship. The new guy is pretty awesome, he was at the MTC before but he had to get knee surgery and take a medical vacation for a few months, but now he's back and with me. Oh, and the aforementioned housing situation is that parts of the MTC are under construction, so we have 6 beds in a room instead of 4. So it's pretty crowded, and since we just had a guy leave we had some room in our residence.
Anyway, I love you all, please continue to write me and be all nice like you guys are.
Hasta la vista, bebe!
Elder Joseph Call

Editor's note: Eggnog! A gallon of EGGNOG! I think i would just throw up drinking that without doing any running.

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