
Address is Classified, by order of the boss.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Story time

Wow. This last week was the best of my mission. I'm going to relate to you a story.
A little background: a couple of weeks before this me and my companion kind of made a deal with the lord that we were pretty much gonna work really hard and the lord would reward our efforts with 2 baptismal dates. The time to complete this deal was almost up, and we had one guy, a really good friend of ours, and probably my favorite person in a 10 mile radius, agree to be baptised. That was a miracle in and of itself, and I was more than satisfied with that, but then this happened:
So Saturday night it was cold and rainy. We took one of the members of the ward, pat, out with us to go visit a few people. We all get in the car at like 7 o'clock and my companion says that we should pray about who to visit before we left. We prayed, and my companion thought that we should go and visit a guy named Javier, who is one of our weakest contacts. He felt really stupid saying this, but he says that the spirit told him something along the lines of "Don't counsel me". I thought it was a dumb idea but I rolled with it anyway.
We get to driving, and on the way there I thought to myself about one of Javier's neighbors, a lady named Juana that the sister missionaries had taught but we had never met. For some reason the thought of knocking on her door just really excited me. So we decided to go there instead.
We get to the door, pitch dark, rain falling on our heads, and this guy opens the door and we see that the whole family is together. We ask for the lady, Juana, but she says that she doesn't know us and doesn't want to talk to us. The guy at the door is kind of rude to us, and he says goodbye and almost shuts the door. At that moment, Pat, the convert who's been in the church for 3 months and is also preparing for his mission, says something like, "Well you opened the door, didn't you? Would you like to talk to us?" And the guy says, "sure, why not?"
He comes out with his raincoat and umbrella while we just stand there shivering. We start talking, and don't ask me how we got on this subject but we talk about how he is having a hard time with his girlfriend and he asks us all for advice. We all take turns giving our opinions, Pat even pulls out a scripture in Proverbs that relates to this, and somewhere along the way, Alex (The guy) says that he notices that Mormons are always so happy and that he really wants to be like that. He asks us what he needs to do to become a Mormon, and my companion looks at him and smiles, "What a wonderful question."
After talking for about an hour or maybe an hour and a half, Alex agreed to be baptized on April 8th. He also said that we changed his life and that he wants to go on a mission when he graduates high school.
WE MAKE JOKES ABOUT THIS SORT OF THING! Like if we're contacting as a group, and two groups of missionaries meet on the street we say, "How'd it go?" and the other one will say "Oh yeah, he agreed to a baptismal date," AND THEY BOTH LAUGH. Can you believe that? How God led us to that guy, and how all three of us had to be sensitive to make it happen? I also grew to love that guy in the space of an hour, for obvious reasons. He even took off his cross! We told him that having a cross wasn't a sin but he took it off anyway.
I was completely blown away. The interesting part is that when we made that deal with the lord we didn't quite complete with our part, but the lord still gave us this. I tell you what, I'm gonna be faithful with this sort of thing from now on. I'm not messing around after what happened.
Well, on a far less exciting note, due to a complicated situation my companion, Elder Souza, is getting transferred to be a Zone Leader, but I will stay in Burbank. I'm getting a Missionary named Elder Fike, who I can already tell I'm gonna get along with. This guy's awesome. But Elder Souza was probably the best missionary I've seen so far. I'm sad to see the guy go. We would play soccer and he would always kill everybody because he was Brazillian. Ah, good times. I'm going to have a hard time topping this transfer.
I love you all! Stay on the straight and narrow!

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