
Address is Classified, by order of the boss.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Hey Everyone! I guess I say that I'm seeing a lot of miracles, and I'm being kinda vague as to what those are. Let me explain. Sometimes I see really little things happen that I consider miracles, and sometimes I see super huge things happen. One of those huge things is a new investigator we picked up. We knocked on her door, found out she was best friends with her Mormon next door neighbors, and we started teacher her at her house. The first lesson we decided to talk about The Gospel of Jesus Christ, or Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the end. We talked about this because we decided that this might be the only thing that would interest her. When we started talking about baptism, without us inviting her to be baptized, she said, "Well, I've already been baptized, but I think I need to be rebaptized." At that point we invited her, and the lady who's house we were at said, and I paraphrase a little, "WHOA, slow down, you need to know what you are getting into," ect. But she wasn't scared away by that and she still accepted to be baptized. The next time we talked about the restoration. The lesson before we had given her a Book of Mormon, but, due to time, we hadn't really explained what it was or asked her to pray about it. So, we end the lesson, she says it makes sense to her, we talk a bit more and she pulls out her Book or Mormon and a notebook. She tells us that whenever she reads the Bible, she prays so that god will help her to understand what she is reading. She also asks him to open up the Bible to what she needed to hear at that time. She opened up to some Psalm, which she read and just felt this amazing feeling, I had no idea how she got to this conclusion, but she said that the Psalm had been talking about us, the missionaries, and she said that she had decided that what we were talking about was true. She also said that she had read the first six capters of the Book of Mormon. The next time we talked about the Plan of Salvation, and she said, "This is the first time this has ever made sense to me!" Dang, she is the best. So there is my miracle story for the week. I love you all! Elder Call

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